Jenny writes to me,
"I'm mint chocolate chip. I like tradition, so that's why I didn't choose chunky monkey or some other crazy flavor. I like that mint chocolate chip has been around forever--it's not trendy. I also think it describes me because I've got something more to me than meets the eye. I think sometimes I surprise people with my humor and thoughts on life, etc... I also think that mint chocolate chip is refreshing and deep at the same time. and that's me."
Jenny rocks. I agree. I love love mint chocolate chip for the same reasons. I also find that many of my friends share those same qualities; humor, whimsy, thoughtfulness, compassion. I also love that Amy focused on the steadfastness of mint chocolate chip. I've always said that I've rather have
crappy weather friends to
fair weather friends any day. I want friends who stand beside me when life's beaten me down. Because a friend who will stand by you when you're down on your luck, will undoubtedly be the same friend who relishes with you in your victories. I have, with care and a little luck, collected a circle of female friendships who nourish and celebrate my soul.
Start now. Start searching out women who share the qualities you respect most. Who you find might surprise you. She might not be Miss Popularity (although one of the most succulent women I know and my oldest friend was Homecoming Queen). She might be sitting right next to you. Making new friends is not easy, but don't settle. Keep in mind that the friends you choose, hopefully over time, will become like sisters to you.